Anna Burt RN, LLC
Registered Nurse and Holistic Health Coach (BSN, RN, NC-BC)
Seeking Holistic Care
Are you struggling with one or more of the following conditions?
High Cholesterol
Weight gain
Weight loss
Increasing food sensitivities
Asthma/ Allergies
Skin rashes
Postpartum Depression or Postpartum Anxiety
Anxiety/ Depression
Or is there something else that is concerning you and standard treatments alone haven’t helped enough? Or are you just looking for another option to support your health? Are you looking to reduce the amount of medication you need? Holistic care and Nurse Health Coaching can help!
Healing and Treatment
There is hope, we can treat and heal your whole person, body, mind and soul. I’d love to be a part of your journey. Below are some treatments and trainings I use in my practice.
~Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
~Motivational interviewing
~Goal setting and planning
~Appreciative inquiry
~Holistic assessment
~Functional Medicine Principals
~Lifestyle modification: diet,sleep, stress management, exercise etc
~Trauma informed care
~Meditation and mindfulness
~Vulnerability and shame coaching
About Me
I am a Registered Nurse and Board Certified Nurse Health Coach. Much of my experience has been in ER, but with the current overwhelm of the American Health Care system, I wanted to start working differently. I want to help patients heal rather than simply treat them. I have a particular passion for helping patients with young families. I love seeing how helping one family member heal can help the entire family. I have worked with people of all ages and from many different backgrounds. My training and methods are all rooted in evidence-based research, psychology, lifestyle and functional medicine. I am here to help you improve your quality of life, energy, and outlook. I have helped patients reduce, stop or avoid the use of medications in collaboration with their Primary Care Providers. I am excited to become a part of your care team. I am currently licensed to practice in Washington State.

Patient’s Testimony

When I began these weekly sessions with Anna, I was stressed, burnt out, and anxious. My husband is only home every other month, I have 2 very young girls and a stressful career of my own. I feel that these sessions came at the time I needed them most and gave me a blessing I didn’t even know I needed. I had just accepted that my life would be one of anxiety and lack of joy. I knew this was unfair to my kids, but I didn’t know how to fix it. These sessions with Anna opened a door to a new way of thinking and brought a bright new perspective when I couldn’t do that for myself.
What I liked best about the weekly sessions with Anna was the positive learning of a new mindset. I had heard of meditation but didn’t know how to start on my own. After the first 2 sessions, I felt confidence and the knowledge that meditation had a positive impact on my wellbeing. I felt the increase in patience with daily chaos and began exploring other meditation programs. I found a series on Netflix that I set as a goal with Anna to watch and broaden my learning. This gave me a deeper insight into our sessions.
I also began a gratitude journal toward the end of our sessions and found that increased my positive thoughts. I found ways of relieving anxiety, managing daily stressors, and finding joyful connections through these exercises. The weekly sessions have ended, but the tools they provided have continued to develop as I need them.
I would recommend this type of coaching to anyone who has an open mind to alternative therapy. I feel this is more valuable and constructive than “medicating” a problem. This type of therapy is much more about healing than just fixing, and that was what I needed.
– SW, age 37
My life was a mess, I had zero work-life balance and my health was suffering from years of chronic stress and lack of sleep. After months of coaching with Anna I have been able to identify key areas I need to address and have been given the tools to tackle them. I am still a work in progress but am better able to find my calm in the storm of life.
Signing up for coaching with Anna was the best decision I ever made. It was a perfect fit for me; she is good at helping push you when needed and guide you to options and resources to be helpful.
I am better able to keep my anxiety to a lull, set boundaries, create connections and community, and say no and ask for help when needed. I learned how vital community and vulnerability are to health and happiness. It was a great fit for me. I would recommend this to friends, family, colleagues! Seriously it was very transformative for me.
~Amanda, WA
Prior to working with Anna I dealt with poor eating habits, exercising regularly and sleeping habits. During the course of the sessions, I was able to make adjustments to this behavior to help steer in a more positive direction. Due to these adjustments, I have been able to curb the majority of my poor eating habits and also improve my exercise and sleeping patterns.
The overall experience was professional, educational, and most importantly practical. Being able to take the information and guidance given it was easy to apply it to my everyday life. During the entire course of the sessions Anna was professional and very knowledgeable on numerous subject matters. She also was able to adapt the knowledge and explain it in a clear and concise manner which helped in being able to retain the information.
I have noticed an increase in my energy level without the aid of outside sources such as caffeine, etc. That in itself was surprising due to the fact I tended to consume a large quantity of caffeinated beverages throughout the day. I also was able to continue to use the information to continue to make adjustments to my diet, mental and physical health.
One of the most important insights was being able to breakdown a simple diet plan that was easy to maintain without being overwhelmed by numerous choices.
I believe this approach to lifestyle changes could benefit anyone regardless of the level of health they may be at. This information could be applied to various level of health, diet awareness and exercise level.
I would recommend Anna Burt to any mom out there who feels like she’s drowning. My experience with her group sessions felt like someone threw me a life raft and asked me what kind of boat I’d like to be in the water with. As mom’s so often we get stuck in the constant need of everyone in our lives and forget sometimes we need boundaries in our homes to protect us. Anna gave me helpful coping strategies and reminded me I am a person and that matters.
~ Gretchen
– Free first session
– Private Coaching: 1:1 with Anna
– Group Coaching: 3-5 clients/ 12weeks
– Speaking events
-Chronic Health Concerns
-Postpartum Anxiety
– Wellness and Vitality
– Holistic Comprehensive assessment
– Zoom
– In-Person
– Summer Day Retreats